New Year Expectations

2020 has been quite a year, hasn't it?  I've heard a lot of people say "I just can't wait for 2020 to be over" and I totally get that and have felt that myself at times.  But I think if we're looking for 2021 to be the solution to everything that went wrong this year, we could find ourselves being disappointed one year from now.  

Don't get me wrong, I think a new year is a great opportunity for a reset, but I think there's a healthy way to approach that and an unhealthy one.  The difference between the two has everything to do with your expectations.  This year, maybe more than ever, I think there's a tendency to bank on everything being better once we get out of 2020, but I think that's an unrealistic expectation.  

So what is a healthy expectation?  I think it's ok to want next year to look different, so a great next step could be to identify what is in your control and what is outside of your control.  Let go of the things you can't control.  And then map out how you can make progress on the changes that you want to make.  Maybe that means adding something to your life, or maybe it looks like taking something away.  Do you feel spread too thin and you need to take a commitment off your plate?  Don't be afraid to do that!  Or is there an area you want to grow in?  Explore what things you need to add to experience growth.  

Lastly, reflect back on this year and write down the ways that God grew you.  I try to do this each year and it helps me find joy even in the toughest times.  I know it was a hard year, but I promise He was working in you.  Thank Him for that!  Lets walk into 2021, asking the Lord to lead us and to be our Hope, expecting Him to do great things in and through us.  




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